how to reduce humidity in house in winter featured

How to Reduce Humidity in House in Winter: 7 Best Methods

Maintaining optimal humidity in your home during winter is essential for your comfort and health. Excess humidity can lead to issues like mold growth, bad indoor air quality, and health problems. 

If you want to know how to reduce humidity in your house in winter, here are the top 7 methods to ensure a cozy and healthy home during the cold months.

Why Is My House So Humid in Winter?

It’s quite common for homes to experience high humidity in winter. Here are the main reasons why:

Indoor Activities

Did you know you’re one of the main culprits behind those high moisture levels? Since you spend more time indoors during the cold months, you generate more moisture. That could come from activities like cooking, showering, and drying laundry indoors. Frankly, it’s inevitable. But if you experience huge humidity problems in winter, there are likely bigger problems in your home.

Insufficient Ventilation

Keeping the cold air out during winter has its consequences. The lack of ventilation traps moisture indoors, leading to higher humidity.

Winter Moisture

Melting snow, ice dams, and condensation can all contribute to high winter house humidity. They can come in through leaks in the roof, walls, or foundation.


Heating systems can also add moisture to the air. Plus, improper settings or malfunctioning parts may lead to uneven temperature distribution and moisture in certain areas of the house.

Indoor Plants

Keeping lots of indoor plants is great for improving air quality inside, but it can also lead to moisture issues if you don’t manage it properly. 

Understanding these factors is crucial if you want to deal with high humidity levels in your home during the winter months. Start by identifying the root cause. That will help you come up with a strategy to maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment throughout the season.

Effects of High Humidity in Winter

High humidity in winter can have various effects on both you and your home. Here’s what you should know:

Health Risks

Excessive humidity can cause the growth of mold, mildew, and dust mites, which can exacerbate respiratory issues such as asthma and allergies. That can also contribute to the spread of bacteria and viruses, increasing the risk of respiratory infections.

Home Damage

High humidity can start with unpleasant odors and stains, but it can also lead to moisture buildup within your walls, ceilings, and floors. Over time, this can cause wooden structures to rot, drywalls to deteriorate, and metal to corrode. Also, prolonged exposure to moisture can further weaken the structural integrity of the building. 

Comfort Issues

High humidity in cold weather can create a damp and clammy environment, which can be uncomfortable. But the worse thing is that it can make it more difficult for your body to regulate temperature, leading to overheating or excessive sweating. Plus, high humidity can contribute to musty odors and a general stuffiness inside.

Overall, high humidity during winter can have significant negative effects on both your health and your home. You should take proactive measures to control indoor humidity levels and resolve the potential risks associated with excess moisture.

ideal humidity at home during winter

What Should the Humidity Be in My House in the Winter?

The ideal home humidity in winter typically ranges between 30% and 50%. However, the optimal humidity level depends on your personal preferences, health, and the specific climate conditions in your region.

To maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment during the winter months, aim for a relative humidity level that falls within this range. Here are some general guidelines:

  • 30% to 40% Humidity: The general choice for indoor comfort during the winter. This is enough to prevent dry air, which can lead to dry skin, nasal irritation, and static electricity buildup.
  • 40% to 50% Humidity: This range is suitable for balancing your comfort with moisture control. It can help prevent issues like static electricity while also reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth.

Keep in mind that maintaining the ideal humidity in the house in winter may require some changes based on outdoor temperature and indoor activities. You can use a hygrometer, a device that measures relative humidity, to monitor indoor humidity levels and adjust as needed. There are some great and cheap hydrometer options on Amazon.

While you’re at it, you should start by dealing with any sources of excess moisture in your home, such as leaks, improper ventilation, or activities that generate moisture, to maintain a healthy home during the winter. Regular maintenance and attention to indoor humidity will ensure comfort and well-being throughout the colder months.

How to Reduce Humidity in Your House During Winter

Reducing humidity in your house during winter is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Here are some effective methods to help you achieve this:

  1. Open Windows and Doors Strategically

No, I’m not crazy. Yes, I know that it’s cold outside. But hear me out. Airing out your home for a bit will not only help you deal with moisture, but it’ll also improve your help and general mood. 

  1. Improve Your Ventilation

Install and use exhaust fans in your kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room to remove moisture from cooking, showering, and drying clothes. Ideally, you’d want a whole-house ventilation system, such as an energy recovery ventilator (ERV) or a heat recovery ventilator (HRV), to continuously exchange indoor and outdoor air while minimizing heat loss.

  1. Get a Dehumidifier

Invest in a good dehumidifier for ideal room humidity in winter. Place it strategically in areas with high humidity levels, such as basements or rooms prone to excess moisture. And don’t forget to empty and clean the water reservoir of your dehumidifier regularly to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

  1. Maintain Proper Heating

Ensure your heating is efficient and evenly distributes heat throughout your home. Set your thermostat to an appropriate temperature to prevent overheating, which can lead to condensation and increased humidity. You can also use programmable thermostats to regulate indoor temperatures and humidity automatically.

  1. Fix Leaks and Seals

Repair any leaks in your plumbing, roof, or windows to prevent water intrusion and moisture buildup that will increase home humidity in winter.

  1. Use Houseplants for Natural Dehumidification

You don’t have to give up on your plant collection just yet. Some houseplants, particularly those with thick leaves, can absorb excess moisture from the air. While not as effective as other dehumidification methods, these plants can still help regulate indoor humidity to some extent.

  1. Dry Your Clothes and Towels Properly

When you leave damp or partially dried clothes or towels indoors, they continue to release moisture into the air as they dry. This added moisture contributes to higher humidity.

Use a drying rack outdoors whenever possible to allow for natural air circulation and drying. If drying indoors, make sure to do it in a well-ventilated area.

Bonus Tips for Home Humidity Control

Aside from the tips above, there are some additional measures you can take to ensure less moisture in your home during winter: 

Take Advantage of Moisture-Absorbing Materials

Place moisture-absorbing materials such as silica gel packs, activated charcoal, or desiccants in closets, cabinets, and other enclosed spaces to help absorb excess moisture and prevent humidity buildup.

Another trick you can try is baking soda. Place open containers of baking soda in areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and closets, to help maintain optimal humidity and control musty odors.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

It’s probably not your favorite, but it can help maintain a good indoor humidity level in winter and improve your health. 

Dust and debris can build up on surfaces, contributing to poor indoor air quality and potentially trapping moisture. Regular dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning helps to reduce allergens and the buildup of moisture-trapping particles.

You should also clean the exhaust fans in your bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room regularly to remove dust, grease, and debris that can reduce their effectiveness in removing excess moisture from the air.

Get Professional Help

In some cases, you might need professional assistance to deal with your excess moisture effectively. 

If you’ve tried various humidity control methods, but you still don’t know how to keep humidity down, it might be a good idea to consult with a qualified HVAC technician or indoor air quality specialist. They can assess your home’s ventilation, insulation, and HVAC systems to identify underlying issues and recommend appropriate solutions.


Is humidity low in winter?

In many regions, humidity is lower in winter due to the colder temperatures. Cold air cannot hold as much moisture, leading to less humidity. Also, indoor heating can further decrease humidity levels, contributing to dry air during the winter months.

Does cold air reduce humidity?

Cold air doesn’t directly reduce humidity but it cannot hold moisture as well as warm air. When cold air enters a warmer environment, its humidity increases as it warms up. But cold air can indirectly contribute to lower indoor humidity by condensing moisture, often leading to drier conditions indoors.

Does the heater reduce humidity?

Yes, heaters indirectly reduce humidity by warming the air, increasing its capacity to hold moisture. This can lead to a decrease in humidity, especially at home. However, heaters don’t actively remove moisture from the air like dehumidifiers; they simply alter the air’s ability to retain moisture.

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